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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    0. 693 ke ,CLtot = dose A UC0 - ∝ ,V d = CLtot ke ,结

    果见表 3。

    Tab. 3 Pharmacokinetic parameters of 6 , 72dimethoxy2

    coumarin in rat plasma af ter oral administration of Artemisiae

    Scopariae decoction and Yinchenhao decoction



    ng mL



    t 1 2



    1 h

    A UC0 - t

    (ng mL)· h

    A UC0 - ∝

    (ng mL)· h

    1 905. 60 0. 20 1. 30 0. 60 1215. 00 1325. 90

    2 832. 97 0. 22 1. 75 0. 41 2537. 85 2612. 58

    3 12Artemisiae Scopariae decoction , 22Yinchenhao decoction

    3 讨论

    6 ,72二甲氧基香豆素经大鼠灌胃给药后 ,快速

    吸收并分布于体内 ,用 Topfit 程序拟合 ,其体内过

    程符合二室开放模型(另文发表) 。作者考察了大鼠


    中6 ,72二甲氧基香豆素的药物动力学过程。结果


    6 ,72二甲氧基香豆素单体:药物动力学行为有明显

    变化 , t1 2显著延长(分别约为 4 倍和 6 倍) ,置 Ke

    显著减小(分别减小了 1 4 和 1 6) , A UC 值显著增

    高 ,这使得 6 ,72二甲氧基香豆素在体内消除速度减

    慢、滞留时间延长 ,、明显提高药物生物利用度 ,有利

    于药效在体内的持久发挥。提示茵陈口服给药 ,尤



    [1 ] 李陪生,刘渡舟编,汉.张仲景(著) .伤寒论[M] .北京:人民卫

    生出版社. 1987 ,3282330

    [ 2 ] 陈 廉,何林兴,后德辉,等.中药茵陈蒿的初步研究[J ] .南京

    药学院学报,1961 ,第6 期,42248

    [3 ] 郑虎占,董泽宏,佘 靖.中药现代研究与应用[M] . (第四卷) .

    北京:学苑出版社. 1998 ,309223113

    [ 4 ] Yoshihiro KANO , J . Traditional Medicine [J ] . 1994 ,11 :176

    [5 ] Shah VP , Midha Dighe S , et al . Analytical method validation :

    bioavailability , bioequivalence and pharmacokinetic studies[J ] . J .

    Pharm Sci . 1992 ,81 :309


    都述虎 , 饶金华

    (安徽省医学科学研究所 ,安徽 合肥 230061)


    基金项目:安徽省“十五”重大科技专项目资助课题(01803014) 、安徽省青年科技基金(皖科基[ 2001 ]02223)

    作者简介:都述虎(1962~) ,男,副研究员,博士生,从事天然药物中有效成分的提取分离和检测工作。

    电话:055122828461 ; E2mail : shuhudu1 @yahoo. com. cn

    关键词:大孔吸附树脂; 茅霉总皂苷; 纯化工艺


    标 ,研究大孔吸附树脂富集、纯化茅莓总皂苷的吸附性能和洗脱参数。结果:茅莓提取液 19. 3mL (0. 77mg· mL - 1)上大

    孔吸附树脂柱(干重 2. 68g ,1cm×20cm) ,用蒸馏水100mL、 50 %乙醇100mL 依次洗脱 ,茅莓总皂苷富集于50 %乙醇洗脱

    液部分 ,且除杂质效果好。结论:通过大孔吸附树脂富集、纯化后 ,茅莓总皂苷的洗脱率在 79. 2 %以上 ,总固物中茅莓总

    皂苷含量可达 55. 3 %。说明采用本法富集、纯化茅莓总皂苷是可行的。

    中图分类号:R284. 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100121528 (2003) 0320185203

    Study on purif ication process of total saponins of Rubus pa rvif ol ius L. with

    macroreticular resin

    DU Shu2hu , RAO J in2hua

    ( A nhui Inst i t ute of Medical Sciences , Hef ei 230061 , Chi na)

    Key words : macroreticular resin ; total saponins of Rubus parvi f ol ius L. ; purification process

    Abstract : Objective : To study the technological parameters of the purification process of total saponins of Rubus


    2003年 3 月

    第 25 卷 第 3 期

    中 成 药

    Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine

    March , 2003

    Vol . 25 No. 3

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.parvi f ol ius L. with macroreticular resin. Methods : The adsorptive characteristics and elutive parameters of the

    process were studied by taking the elutive and purified ratio of total saponins of Rubus parvi f ol ius L. as mark2

    er . Results : 19. 3mL of the ext ractive of total saponins of Rubus parvi f ol ius L. was purified with a column of

    macroreticular resin (R1cm×H20cm ,dried weight 2. 68g) and was washed with 100mL of distilled water , then

    was eluted with 100mL of 50 % ethanol . Conclusion : With macroreticular resin to adsorb and purify , the elutive

    ratio of total saponins of Rubus parvi f ol ius L. was over 79. 2 % and the purity reached 55. 3 %. So this process

    of applying macroreticular resin to adsorb and purify total saponins of Rubus parvi f ol ius L. is feasible.

    茅莓( Rubus parvif ol ius L. ) 是蔷薇科悬钩子

    属植物[1 ] ......
